My love for baking started back as far as I can remember and has woven its way into my family life. 4 Birds Bakery is not only woman-owned, but it is incredibly family-oriented. You’ll find many members of my in the bakery on any given day, from my husband Steven (who is the wizard behind many of the famous Saturday market breakfast creations) to my mom and all the way to my daughter (you’ll find her toys back by the kitchen).
Understanding that food is what brings so many families together, 4 Birds pours so immense love into each and every cookie, muffin, and cracker. We look to push the boundaries of what you picture when you think of what a bakery should be. Each and every cookie is hand-scooped to perfection and we are the only bakery in the city making English muffins and spent grain crackers.
You can find many of our products in stores and coffee shops around the city (see them here!) because we have strived to keep the connection with our community strong. If you’re ever curious what we’re up to, just check our Instagram page. You’ll find behind the scenes of recipe testing, recipe teasing, and where you can find us next!
“Meals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways...the perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that frequently has very little to do with the food itself.
The late, great Anthony Bourdain sums up our mentality well. We do believe in providing the best products for our customers. We also believe that food is a community endeavor. From our local suppliers to our wonderful customers, we all owe it to each other and ourselves to engage and support one another.
Though our bakery has changed hands over the years, our loyal supporters still deserve great products. The legendary spirit of “The Cookie” is one collaboration and a city-wide appreciation of great food. This spirit inspires 4 Birds to constantly produce delicious baked goods including gluten-free and vegan options for anyone to enjoy.